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GitHub User: justin808

Site: http://www.railsonmaui.com

Comments by Justin


I read it that way myself at first. Try it out. Better yet, write a rspec test. :)


Has anybody gotten this to work with 1.9.3? There is the missing "authenticate" method error only with 1.9.3, and not with 1.9.2. I verified this by using the same app on both rubies.


It seems that the issue with "authenticate" is particular to ruby 1.9.3. I tried with Ruby 1.9.2, and I don't see any issues.


The User.authenticate method will not exist in Rails 3.1.3. I have posted a question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8585104/method-authenticate-misssing-from-user-model-using-secure-password

The workaround that I used is to call

Anybody know more about this issue?