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Clemens Helm's Profile

GitHub User: clemenshelm

Site: http://www.rails-troubles.com

Comments by Clemens Helm


Apparently there’s only a significant advantage in performance if you’ve got fast clients, otherwise the opposite is the case: http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/1822610


Sure it will. It is crucial for SEO to include search terms in the URL. So if you want to sell a product and you include the title in the URL instead of the id, it is much more likely that people will find this page when they google the product name.



Yes, just run rvm --default use 1.9.2 once. I think the rvm 1.9.2 line in my script just remained because I had troubles setting the default ruby version some time ago.


The reason is that your .bash_profile is no longer loaded with zsh. Put these two lines at the end of .zshrc and it will work again (of course you need to adapt the path to your home dir and the desired ruby version):

if [[ -s "/Users/Clemens/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then source "/Users/Clemens/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ; fi
rvm 1.9.2

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