I could be missing something, but for me, fresh_when does not catch changes made to files and update the last modified or etag (e.g., layout, view or partial changes). I can check the modified time of each file that the action depends on, but that seems inelegant and is very error prone. Does anyone have a good solution? Or am I missing something?
If anyone is interested in a more up-to-date video tutorial, I created one at http://www.rubytreesoftware.com/courses/deploy-ruby-on-rails-tutorial.
I could be missing something, but for me, fresh_when does not catch changes made to files and update the last modified or etag (e.g., layout, view or partial changes). I can check the modified time of each file that the action depends on, but that seems inelegant and is very error prone. Does anyone have a good solution? Or am I missing something?