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Bent Cardan's Profile

GitHub User: bcardan

Site: http://chairliftdevelopment.com

Comments by Bent Cardan


However, there's been more out-of-the-box support for mongoid among popular authentication gems... If you want to introduce that type of logic with MongoMapper while doing very little typing in your text editor and still watch it all work, I recommend checking out Sorcery as a starting point. Sorcery jives with MongoMapper way better than things like Clearance or Devise. Obviously there's a gem for that but we've lost track of the the point here, because the real question we ought to consider is the extent ORMs are appropriate for engaging NoSQL data structures from Ruby. Maybe I'm missing something but it's tough for me to distinguish the key value store pattern from array or the ruby hash key/entry. Isn't MongoDB's driver the most natural map to data objects we handle in ruby? I tell you all, if it weren't for free validation methods and some active model hooks I wouldn't be able to care about Mongo ORMs.


Radha, check out my 2nd favorite ORM in the world: MongoMapper! 2nd only to Active Record! :)