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Amr Numan Tamimi's Profile

GitHub User: amrnt

Site: http://rushthinking.com

Comments by Amr Numan Tamimi


Great screencast.

Just wondering about last section, what if I wanted to use a layout for each subdomain this way? where to put layouts files?

Thanks Ryan!



Tell Compass config file where your assets are, after copying your scss files to app/assets/stylesheets



Congratulations for the new Railscasts -and for the Rails 3.1 beta release.

And am just wondring, should I convert to ruby 1.9.2 instead of ree for the production environment? what about performance, memory, cpu usage?

Thanks Ryan and All!


Thats what am talking about! I'm thinking of dropping Devise and any other auth engine from my projects and make my own auth system!

And CanCan will work normally as expected, right?

Thanks Ryan!