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Jefferson Queiroz Venerando's Profile

GitHub User: shamanime

Site: shamani.me

Comments by Jefferson Queiroz Venerando


Just in case someone is interested to know, in Ubuntu versions 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) and onwards the "admin" group is not going to be provided by default. The power that be are favouring the "sudo" group instead of "admin" group. If you're upgrading from a lower version, your "admin" group will persist but on a fresh install "admin" group will be missing.

So if you get an error that "admin" group does not exist, simply replace it with "sudo".

adduser deployer --ingroup sudo

Credits to Aditya Sanghi, here: http://railscasts.com/episodes/337-capistrano-recipes?view=comments#comment_157369


Mike's answer is awesome, just adding my two cents:
The find_by isn't supposed to fail in any way, you expect to find a blog for your subdomain. If it fails you probably want something to happen (an exception rather than a fallback).


In your shell:
export VAR=value


echo '\nexport VAR=value' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile