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StuFF mc's Profile

GitHub User: stuffmc

Site: http://pomcast.biz

Comments by StuFF mc


I just realized it's why it's not stopping. I had moved to passenger. Did you find the solution?


Awesome as usual. Don't forget to add



gem install rb-fsevent



Folks, there's one gotcha more I stumbled upon. I had formtastic forms in my app and after upgrading they weren't working anymore. Turned to be as simple as putting = in front of the tags. Rails 3.0 left (although deprecated) the output of <% (or - in haml) but Rails 3.1 seems more strict (which is a good thing) and won't output that!


WARNING. As of Rails 3.1, one NEED to use = in front of semantic_form_for AND f.inputs, otherwise the tags won't be outputted. Took me some time to understand why my formtastic forms weren't working anymore!


FYI, I just found http://livereload.com -- seems pretty interesting for anyone on a mac.


Ryan, maybe it'll be useful to include the routes.rb file in the show notes.


BTW, shameless plug, for anyone willing to have the video embedded in this page (as HTML5 video tag), install this in safari: https://github.com/stuffmc/Embedded (download the .safariextz) - I hope to find some time to work on this toy again in the future :)


I confirm: It's okay to have an easy episode once in a while :) Thanks for the great work Ryan!


Oops... Sorry... Chirstopher Small isn't a spammer.... clicked one too much... Apparently searchlogic still isn't Rails3 ready :( Maybe you should put a big warning on top of this post (and as well for all others plugins/gems not compatible with rails3)


Signing through GitHub?! Cool! ;-) Hope it blocks spammers.

I think it makes no real sense to says "yes" for application_controller and application_helper since they are empty from "rails new" and have the same "declaration" as in rails 2.3 so it's easier to say "no" there.