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sampathcse5816's Profile

GitHub User: sampathcse5816

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I have a requirement of sending notifications weekly for my site https://wikigurus.com/ where i need to send emails to many users at a time. Can this Batch API applicable to send requests for bulk emails?. Will it give any performance improvement?


Hi I am trying to add miniprofiler to mysite: https://wikigurus.com/.

First I tried in my local. I am getting below error
http://localhost:53506/mini-profiler-resources/includes.js?v=ySF6M98CBehTtL86BbiEmys9yxR1HKazhe2sznfdUWQ= 404 not found.

I also added the below code to web.config

        <add path="mini-profiler-resources/*" verb="*" type="System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule"  />

Why it is throwing 404 error?