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Chris Hoffman's Profile

GitHub User: angus65

Site: http://angus65.com

Comments by Chris Hoffman


Thanks Andy, I will try that. I still am wondering if 10.04 LTS is better than 11.10. because I have this extra box lying around. The plan is to set it up and put it in my routers DMZ and then access my test sites from outside my home office. Can't do this with a VirtualBox setup


Ryan, Great show. One question though. Why Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and not Ubuntu 11.10? Is there any issues with Ruby or Rails on Ubuntu 11.10? The reason I'm asking is that I was going to try this with a spare machine I have lying around and it currently has 11.10 installed (nothing else). If there are issues then I will just re-roll it with 10.04 LTS