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viniciusgati's Profile

GitHub User: viniciusgati

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is there a way to insert images on the "non dependency way" to export xls with html in the file?

my images dont work fine, i think i can't do this by this way.


i would like to see how u insert a datepicker when u have to change the format to the user, but to save on the database u have to change the format back to rails.

its easy to change the format from / to - only, i really got trapped when i need to format 2012-06-31 to 31/06/2012 to the user and save correctly to the database... thats what i really need to know


When u say 'maybe i can do something with rack'
what u mean? what means a rack app?
its something inside rails? its is a modeling pattern? where i can found material about?