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Luca Simone's Profile

GitHub User: lukefx

Site: http://www.lucasimone.info

Comments by Luca Simone


I'm the only one who have encodings issue? There's a method to force encoding to roo?
Pass encoding options to CSV is possible,

when ".csv" then CSV.parse(file.path, :headers=>true, :encoding => 'windows-1251:utf-8')

but with roo?


Yes! There is a way to compile Ruby to Java...try to type 'jrubyc' in the shell...it simply takes Ruby files and converto to java .class
If you want a compiled version of your Rails app try:

$ warble compiled war


Trinidad is fantastic but do you plan or have considered an episode on Torquebox? (http://torquebox.org)
It has messaging, websockets, cluster, and many other awesome features!