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GitHub User: Jelkster

Comments by Ryan


It's working, so far its been smooth sailing. I also set the data-turbolinks-track attribute to true.

<%= javascript_include_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>

For those using turbolinks, you will need to modify the application layout to include all assets in the header. Foundation includes javascript in the body by default.


Thanks for the reminder. I've been using "if not" exclusively. I'll try to break this old habit.


After my recent issue with document.getElementsByName in Internet Explorer, I am now a strong advocate of using jQuery whenever possible.


In sessions#create,

instead of render "new"

try redirect_to login_url

Someone in the original version of this episode also mentioned dropping the resources :sessions line from routes.rb


cool site. has already proven to be extremely useful for me as i have been scoping out ipad cases recently, and came across this: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/552506690/brydge-ipad-do-more


Thanks for keeping on top of this Ryan. Railscasts is one of the few bills I smile when paying.