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Louise Glade Rains's Profile

GitHub User: lgrains

Comments by Louise Glade Rains


I had problems using Rails 5. respond_to and respond_with have been moved into the responders gem. After adding that to my Gemfile, I got the expected JSON at http://localhost:3000/api/entries.json.


I made use of the filter_sensitive_data option to replace a password in my cassette. This worked great the first time, but when I run the specs again, I get an error:

Failure/Error: VCR.use_cassette(cassette_name, record: :once) do
   bad URI(is not URI?): https://<DOMAIN>:<PASSWORD>@services.yesmail.com:443/enterprise/composite/subscribeAndSend

Is there a way to deal with this problem?

Thanks for a great episode!