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Hugo Villero's Profile

GitHub User: hvillero

Site: www.onxtra.com

Comments by Hugo Villero


Hi Andrew,

Once we have the production working as we have in this video, is this just good enough to configure staging or any other environment of the same app? what about to run one more app in the same server.

Thank you


Thank you Ryan, Nice!!, I was trying with Facebook that worked well, however when I tried the logout to login again with other Facebook account that didn't worked, is there a way to really logout from Facebook?

Thank you


Hi Charly, Thank you for this comment, I know you posted this almost a year a go, but just one question, do you still remember how can we use that module, the article just post the module, but there are no instructions about it. Do you have the any idea about how? Thank you very much


Is there a way to get a pdf file with 300dpi using PDFKit?