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Chandresh Pant's Profile

GitHub User: chandresh

Site: www.cmisoft.in

Comments by Chandresh Pant


I solved this by adding bundle exec like:

bundle exec cap deploy:setup


No its not. It seems you are confusing attr_accessible with attr_accessor.


As suggested by Jean, changing null with 'form' makes things work!


saveStyle: 'form', // 'form', or 'json' (default json)


Just saw that someone above has posted the same problem. Trying that solution.


With Rails 3.1.3 this does not seem to work. Mercury is escaping parameters. Here is a part of params hash:

Processing by PagesController#mercury_update as JSON
Parameters: {"content"=>"{\"page_name\":{\"type\":\"editable\",\"value\":\"about\",\"snippets\":{}},\"page_content\":{\"type\":\"editable\",\"value\":\"{\"page_name\":{\"type\":\"editable\",\"value\":\"about\",\"snippets\":{}},\"page_content

I googled and found a similar issue: https://github.com/jejacks0n/mercury/issues/85


For people having problems installing it on Fedora (15/16 Live CD) and my own future reference:

note: the curl version somehow did not work on my Fedora 16 (it worked on Fedora 15 though)

  • which zsh => /bin/zsh

  • chsh -s /bin/zsh

or just chsh and choose the shell.

  • Logout / Restart

  • change .zshrc as mentioned by Ryan.

  • Copy rvm specific stuff from .bashrc to .zshrc

  • rvm --default use gemsetname (e.g 1.9.2@rails3)