This is not an error from the doc. Indeed, "require_tree ." means that the manifest requires the file dans the subfiles (the "tree") in the current directory (the "." means current directory).
And the lib and vendor directories aren't subdirectories of the current directory.
So your way to do it is good ;)
Batman.js is no longer maintained.
Ember.js favors Convention over Configuration which is also a Rails approach.
Here is a good benchmark of Ember, Angular and Backbone:
One of my favorites Railscasts!
I don't like this approach and prefere to use Mercury Editor which you've showed in this railscast:
This is not an error from the doc. Indeed, "require_tree ." means that the manifest requires the file dans the subfiles (the "tree") in the current directory (the "." means current directory).
And the lib and vendor directories aren't subdirectories of the current directory.
So your way to do it is good ;)
Excellent. Just like a twist in a good fiction.