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GitHub User: srinu4122

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I had an application with rails 4 & rubyzip gem installed.
I have 3 tables - students, exams & results.

I followed this video http://railscasts.com/episodes/362-exporting-csv-and-excel

I'm able to download individual table csv files but not all 3 at a single click.

And I want to download all these 3 table csv files as a zip file with rubyzip or something else.

Please help me. I searched every end of google but didn't find an accurate result.


Hello Ryan, thanks for your excellent guide.

I had a column like reference_id in answers model. I want to make it unique through entire Survey.

answers model
validates :reference_id, uniqueness: { scope: :question_id }

It is applying only for questions but what to do if i want apply through the survey ?


I'm using rails 4 & i'm getting this error

"Couldn't find HomeworkType without an ID"
showing as 404 error while dragging & dropping.

Please help me guys


undefined method `sortable_element'

I'm getting this error in Rails-4.
This method is deprecated in rails-4 then how did you worked with it ?


undefined method `sortable_element'

I'm getting this error in Rails-4.
This method is deprecated in rails-4 then how did you worked with it ?