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Aldo "xoen" Giambelluca's Profile

GitHub User: xoen

Site: http://www.xoen.org

Comments by Aldo "xoen" Giambelluca


Maybe a silly question but why the jquery-rails gem is not in the assets group?


No I've not yet tried phrase, what about the price?


No I've not yet tried phrase, what about the price?


Hi, it seems interesting, I'm curious about the price for the "Beginner" plan once the beta stage will end.

It would be really useful an interface for the globalize3 gem, have you planned it?


Hi, do you use something like globalize3 for content translation?

I curious about your approach to this problem (e.g. do you build something from scratch or use something almost-ready? How do make the translators work? etc...)


+1 (x10^99999)

I've just seen the old I18n episode and discovered on of the globalize3 authors (svenfuchs) is even an rails-i18n author. It would be cool an episode about globalize3 (I wonder if some way to build translation interface on it exists...)


Personally I'm confused about all these CSS "frameworks"/tools, everyone has something useful, Compass is good for the sprite facility and the CSS3 functions to generate all the browser-specific rules, Bourbon has a similar functionality, there is also Blueprint and Twitter Bootstrap (it's fashion these days as David already said). A thing I like of Bootstrap is the way it can help your site to adapt to mobile devices (try to visit its website and resize the browser window).

...some of these features can help for sure but my mind is exploding with all these choices...


Hi Ryan, as always a great RailsCast and a lot of useful information, thanks!

I'm new to Rails and to TDD, I've a question, sorry if it's a little bit off topic: is there some reason for which you created a PasswordResetsController just to send the password reset e-mail instead of just add an action to the Users controller given it's an action highly related to users?



Thank you very much, that seems really useful


I have to investigate if it's powerful for the policies of the application I'm designing but the DSL seems flexible enough. I'll look at the gem's documentation, thank you very much as always ;)


OK...the "problem" was I have to restart the server and the constant "appears" :)


Maybe I'm stupid or maybe I'm just a newbie (this for sure), I've tried to put the costant in the environment.rb file and use it from the application but I get an "uninitialized constant" error, I understand YAML files are a better place to put configuration but why I get this error? (I'm using Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.1.3, probably something changed since the screencast)

Thank you very much and sorry for the noise ;)