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nazarhussain's Profile

GitHub User: nazarhussain

Site: nazarhussain.com

Comments by nazarhussain


Hi all, I am using bootstrap in one of my project. And do have concerns to it, Its god that Rayan has started an episode related to it.

Can any one look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9427534/rails-3-1-asset-pipeline-and-large-project and answer to it.

So that it can be a guideline for people using the SASS,Compass,Bootstrap all together on a large projects.

It will be a great favor for me.


Can any one look at the following question related to mountable engines? I urgently need it to solve,



Hi Ryan, How can we use this gem if our domain is on HTTPS? And how to use the ruby client available with the GEM, not using Net::HTTP.