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GitHub User: sinadino

Comments by Cristiano Sinadino


hi everyone , this is the first time I ever post something here but before I proceed I need to thank every one kind soul that takes the time to help others, like me, not so experienced; thank you thank you thank you...now I have an app that before I add the code above(calendar) was working fine but now it only works on localhost...I am assuming this something related to heroku so
I looked at heroku logs looking for some hints but I can't figure it out...here is the logs9 at least the first 5 lines)

Starting process with command bin/rails server -p 4543 -e $RAILS_ENV
2013-12-02T22:10:36.246379+00:00 app[web.1]: /app/config/application.rb:5:in <top (required)>': undefined local variable or methodconfig' for main:Object (NameError)