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GitHub User: yanhuanle
jQuery version:
function confirm_destroy(event, element, options) { if (confirm("Are you sure?")) { var f = $("<form>", { display: 'none', method: 'POST', action: options.action }); $(element).parent().append(f); var s = $("<input>", { type: 'hidden', name: '_method', value: 'delete' }).appendTo(f); if (options.token_name && options.token_value) { var t = $("<input>", { type: 'hidden', name: options.token_name, value: options.token_value }).appendTo(f); } f.submit(); } event.preventDefault(); return false; }
Thanks for your code, it works great! Except one place need to change, the last 3rd line should be " event.preventDefault(); ", otherwise it causes an "no method stop()" error in the console.
jQuery version:
Thanks for your code, it works great! Except one place need to change, the last 3rd line should be " event.preventDefault(); ", otherwise it causes an "no method stop()" error in the console.