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James Testa's Profile

GitHub User: aerende

Site: www.aerende.com

Comments by James Testa


Sorry, pilot error. Redid the tutorial from scratch and it all works. Must have had a typo. Database in sqlite3 solved the other problem.


I'm using Rails 4 and made all the changes in the comments, including to the router:

initialize: ->
@collection = new Raffler.Collections.Entries()
@collection.fetch({reset: true})

but the tutorial breaks at the point where I'm trying to load the database and show entries.length is no longer 0 but 8. The app doesn't get updated with the entries.

I also read that indentation matters with Coffesecript, so I am using 2 spaces for each indentation. Is that OK?

I guess what really throws me is: Where are the entries created in db/seed.rb stored? They are not stored in mysql, I'm guessing they are stored on the client, but how can I access them? Should Backbone save them through Rails in mysql? And why does the app not get updated with the entries?