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Matt Huggins's Profile

GitHub User: mhuggins

Site: http://blackbooksingles.com

Comments by Matt Huggins


I too was wondering about the differences. Thanks for sharing!


In order to make your code more concise, combining the "ready" and "page:load" listeners into one should work too:

$(document).on 'ready page:load', ->
  $(document).on 'click', '.edit_task input[type=checkbox]', ->

ts-delayed-delta (https://github.com/freelancing-god/ts-delayed-delta) can also be set up to update indexes on the fly with DelayedJob.


Yeah, if you're using Devise, then you're already using Warden without knowing it.


Just stumbled across this awesome tutorial. Combined this with my ActiveAdmin dashboard for some nice results. :)


You mention in your video that Airbrake is a paid service, but there is actually a free version as well: https://airbrakeapp.com/account/new/Free