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Luca G. Soave's Profile

GitHub User: lgs

Site: http://gitwatcher.com/

Comments by Luca G. Soave



I'd like to inform you that this cast (as well as some others)
seems to stop working around the minute 5.31 (just after introducing "Tagging Features And Scenarios" paragraph).

I don't think it's me, infact the effect is reproducible, even breaking at the same time and the newer casts are working fine ...

Keep on the good job
Cheers Luca


but doesn't seem to work anyway.

My last working gems matrix is :

bson (1.4.0)
bson_ext (1.4.0)
mongo (1.4.0)
mongoid (2.1.1)
mongoid-rspec (1.4.4)
mongoid_taggable_with_context (0.7.2)

as soon as I upgrade to mongoid 2.1.2,
kaminari '0.12.4' First/Previous/Next/Last in the view don't show up anymore ...


@Dave Kimura:

you're right, I wrongly used erb commenting syntax into haml environment. That's for app/views/kaminari/_paginator.html.haml ...

but what about

= link_to_unless current_page.first?, raw(t 'views.pagination.previous'), url, :rel => 'prev', :remote => remote

= link_to_unless current_page.first?, raw(t 'views.pagination.first'), url, :remote => remote

rispectively in :

How do you change them ?


@Dave Kimura:

... done:

= paginator.render do
= first_page_tag #unless current_page.first?
= prev_page_tag #unless current_page.first?
- each_page do |page|
- if page.left_outer? || page.right_outer? || page.inside_window?
= page_tag page
- elsif !page.was_truncated?
= gap_tag
= next_page_tag #unless current_page.last?
= last_page_tag #unless current_page.last?

but it doesn't work :-(