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Steffen Jurrack's Profile

GitHub User: jurrack

Site: www.ressourcenmangel.de

Comments by Steffen Jurrack


Yes there is a way, I recommend only to use in development, it has some drawbacks.

Test::Application.configure do
  config.cache_classes = false
  config.eager_load = false
  config.middleware.delete Rack::Lock

Hi Ryan,

using the pubsub approach within the ActionController::Live we ended up with a lot of Threads that are never closed. I think Redis subscribe and psubscribe are blocking the created Thread and stream.close will never be called, will check this soon.

What we've noticed gets even worse with new visitor and each page reload we ended up with a new Thread. At the end we had many Threads sleeping consuming all available Threads for puma.

There is also an issue at github addressing this: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/10989#issuecomment-21305888