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Bob Walsh's Profile

GitHub User: BobWalsh

Site: 47hats.com

Comments by Bob Walsh


in an index view that already does sorting and filtering, stuck on one point: creating a link_to that passes those parameters back to index.

so from

this link_to
<%= link_to "Excel", user_contacts_path(format: 'xls') %>

{"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"contacts", "user_id"=>"198"}

How do I preserve my variable number of parameters?


Re jquery UI datepicker and bootstrap (complicated by the best_in_place and simpleform gems), what worked for me was to not use the jquery ui rails gem, create a custom minimal jqueryUI package using the smoothness theme, then sub in from the css from http://addyosmani.github.com/jquery-ui-bootstrap.

Result: jquery UI datepicker works great, matches bootstrap 2.0.3.

If you are not using either best_in_place or simpleform and therefore don't need Jquery UI, https://github.com/eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker is a better match to Bootstrap.


So, can ElasticSearch be hosted on Heroku? Or do you need to host it on say AWS and then live with latency issues? (thinking about a <1k set of fairly small records...)