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GitHub User: arunjulwania

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Thanks for gem.I have success fully completed all the thing.But at last I stuck.

I am using private chat 1-1 user.
When user starts chat, it works fine.But if user close his window(like facebook).and again clicks on start button ,then he gets two time same message.and if again he close than he gets 4 time same message.finally I fond the error, subscribe_to create same channel when window is open.and it published message 2 times.I tried to handle this things a lot from my side still I am getting problem.

how can I check whether channel it is exist or not.or any other solution for that.

Please help me for that.




My application is working proper on local host.But I am getting error on heroku.I am getting following error when I tried to post message through console.

curl http://ramfayeserver.herokuapp.com/faye -d 'message={"channel":"/messages/new", "data":"hello", "ext":"secret"}'

[{"channel":"/messages/new","error":"Incorrect token.","successful":false}]cis@CISM189:~/Desktop/atradeship-chat$

I have following setting in my private_pub.yml
server: "http://ramfayeserver.herokuapp.com/faye"
secret_token: "batkaro"

I referred this from follwing url:

Please help me for that