OK, repeated you tutorial. Just started with Rails and wanted to check out a good TDD scheme for Ruby and found Cucumber & RSpec. The homepages are nice for experts, but not a single step-by-step guide for getting it to work for newbs. Especially the rake commands are given NOWHERE and as a newb the problem with tables reported by Cucumber (if you don't know you need to clone) and the official Cucumber Wiki example actually using a table in the feature got me going crazy... Your railscast on this should become part of the official documentation! Thanks loads, man!!!
OK, repeated you tutorial. Just started with Rails and wanted to check out a good TDD scheme for Ruby and found Cucumber & RSpec. The homepages are nice for experts, but not a single step-by-step guide for getting it to work for newbs. Especially the rake commands are given NOWHERE and as a newb the problem with tables reported by Cucumber (if you don't know you need to clone) and the official Cucumber Wiki example actually using a table in the feature got me going crazy... Your railscast on this should become part of the official documentation! Thanks loads, man!!!