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cmar's Profile

GitHub User: cmar

Site: http://about.me/cmar

Comments by cmar


Thanks for saving me a few hours of research to understand the significance of the change.


Any tips for using debugger or pry with Pow?


Would it be difficult to configure the server to start with foreman rather then a script?


If your name isn't Clemens, you should use the generic form :)

if [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ; fi


Luke, build an app then come back after a year and try to make some changes. You'll wish you had written some tests.


Is there a technique for using the assets pipeline on Heroku? Since we can't write to the public directory, I'm wondering if there is a configuration option to use tmp?


This is so awesome. i've reluctantly been using will_paginate but knew it could be done much better with aRel. Thanks for the great cast. I'm switching today.


Ryan: I tried setting up an application on Facebook and using the code from the railscast. I'm getting an OAuthException: "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration."

Did you have to setup something special for testing from localhost?
