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GitHub User: brandensilva

Site: http://www.brandensilva.com

Comments by Branden Silva


I was wondering the same thing. Both look like they are done well but GeoKit seems like its been around a lot longer than Geocoder, but I could be wrong.


Doesn't streaming allow concurrent browser loading and caching? So for example, you can set it so your browser pulls in more HTTP requests at the same time or would this not apply to that?


Plus caching of the files are beneficial. The version numbers at the end of the file that change when the file is changed would make it so the file is grabbed again when the user hits it. Otherwise it will remain cached and provide a faster experience.


Yeah the old look kind of grows on you. This new one will be much more engaging though and helpful. So many new formats to download the videos in, plus this excellent comment thread for helping one another without getting confused as to who is replying to who.


Love the new look Ryan! Very clean and gives me a tron feel to the logo a little bit. I'd recommend changing the "destroy" button's text to "delete" in comments as it just seems a bit more semantically acceptable in the interwebz.

Also super excited about Rails 3.1 now. I was hesitant about the inclusion of coffee script but I'm starting to see the light of CS after digging into it deeper. I prefer sass over scss so hopefully there is a switch for it. Also glad they added jQuery as the default.

Rails 3.1 is shaping up to be awesome. Thanks for the overview.


It definitely does clean things up quite a bit. It kind of makes me think of the actions as belonging to a ghost town though with nothing in them.

Soon you won't have to write any code and rails will do it for you lol.


Strange that you need to add the Crossdomain:false portion as that's the default for the script. Cool stuff either way Ryan.


Agreed Allen,

That's a primary function in an application I've built. I wonder if that is something they plan on adding in the future.


Its unfortunate that Ben Johnson has dropped off the face of the Earth with Searchlogic and Authlogic. I'd love to see these gems running on Rails 3 but at least Meta Search and Declarative Authorization fit my needs.