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GitHub User: naifen

Comments by Jerry G


Hey Everyone!
I have a few very basic questions about cache digests in rails 4.0

  • Do I need to include gem 'cache_digests" in Gemfile for rails 4.0 project?
    I didn't find a cache_digests gem in my project's rvm gemset neither did I put gem 'cache_digests" in my Gemfile. However <% cache xxx do %> actually worked. It wrote to cache and read from it like
    Read fragment views/pets/67-20130627183100171326000/1e699c80fb4b885994ecf5d1b8e61933 (0.1ms)

  • There is no cache_digests:nested_dependencies and cache_digests:dependencies tasks if I didn't include gem 'cache_digests" in Gemfile? Is that right?

Any helper's appreciated!