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How do I do the same for a authorized user, I've got the following in my controller, model, and index;
def index @bins = Bins.new @bins = Bins.all @tw = Newtweets.order("tweet_id desc").limit(100) end def pull current_user.newtweets.pull_tweets return end
def self.pull_tweets twitter.home_timeline(since_id: maximum(:tweet_id)).each do |tweet| unless exists?(tweet_id: tweet.id) create!( tweet_id: tweet.id, followers: tweet.user.followers_count, retweets: tweet.retweet_count, time_date: tweet.created_at, content: tweet.text, screen_name: tweet.user.screen_name, ) end end end
<% @tw.each do |t| %> <div class="entry"> <div class="selection"><%= check_box_tag :label %></div> <div class="stamp unknown"><%= t.time_date %><br /><span class="date"><%= date.day %>/<%= date.mon %>/<%= date.year %></span></div> <div class="tweet"> <p><%= t.content %> <br /><span class="username"><a href="https://www.twitter.com/<%= t.screen_name %>" target="_blank">@<%= t.screen_name %></a></span><span class="followers">Followers:<%= t.followers %></span><span class="retweets">Retweets: <%= t.retweets %></span></p> </div> </div> <hr style="width:93%;height:1px;margin:-5px auto 10px auto;border:none;border-bottom:1px solid #EDEDED;" /> <% end %>
As you've guessed it, I'm trying to use a refresh button to pull the route /refresh which runs the controller, that runs the model??
Not sure I'm doing this right. However, going in the console with the following command;
I get an error: NameError: uninitialized constant User::Newtweet
Should I be moving the self.pull_tweets stuff into a controller??
Any suggestions, thank you!
How do I do the same for a authorized user, I've got the following in my controller, model, and index;
As you've guessed it, I'm trying to use a refresh button to pull the route /refresh which runs the controller, that runs the model??
Not sure I'm doing this right. However, going in the console with the following command;
I get an error: NameError: uninitialized constant User::Newtweet
Should I be moving the self.pull_tweets stuff into a controller??
Any suggestions, thank you!