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Brandon Weaver's Profile

GitHub User: baweaver

Site: baweaver.com

Comments by Brandon Weaver


I'd suggest fairly strongly getting a nice deep familiarity with SSH and how it works.

There's a lot you can do between that and some sage knowledge on the sudo command to write a fairly well locked down server that's ready to rock the world.

Combine this with knowledge on OpenBSD and how it works and you have a tank of a server that's going to be near impossible to break into.

Recommended reading:

SSH Mastery: http://www.amazon.com/SSH-Mastery-OpenSSH-Tunnels-ebook/dp/B006ZO9ULK

Absolute OpenBSD: http://www.amazon.com/Absolute-OpenBSD-Practical-Paranoid-ebook/dp/B00CH96VB4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1368591922&sr=1-1&keywords=absolute+openbsd