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GitHub User: mkralla11

Site: www.mkrallaproductions.com

Comments by Mike


Just wanted to let everyone know that this railscast is still proving to be successful on Ubuntu 13.04 server.

Remember, if you are going through any of Ryan's amazing Railscasts or any tutorial for that matter, make sure you clear your browser cache frequently!!!!(or turn it off)

I had everything working perfectly after a few fixes (unbeknownst to me) but I continued to see errors in my browser. I then stupidly searched for solutions to the problems (...that I had already fixed) for about 30 minutes, finally deciding to launch Chrome, which I mainly use for UI consistency...and, you guessed it, everything was working as it should. I shouldn't be making these rookie mistakes this late in the game.

Ryan you are amazing and I don't say that to many people. Quality, quality work as usual!

If anyone is trying to deploy to a server running Ubuntu 13.04, I will try my best to help you!