I have a problem, I cannot start server when using gem
This errors:
ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/actionpack-4.0.0/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb:191:in normalize_conditions!': You should not use thematchmethod in your router without specifying an HTTP method. (RuntimeError)
If you want to expose your action to both GET and POST, addvia: [:get, :post]option.
If you want to expose your action to GET, useget` in the router:
Instead of: match "controller#action"
Do: get "controller#action"
Can I use this gem with rails 4?
I have a problem, I cannot start server when using gem
This errors:
normalize_conditions!': You should not use the
matchmethod in your router without specifying an HTTP method. (RuntimeError)
via: [:get, :post]If you want to expose your action to both GET and POST, add
get` in the router:If you want to expose your action to GET, use
Instead of: match "controller#action"
Do: get "controller#action"
Thank for help!