In case anyone might be interested, to complement the `bundle gem` approach (more generally, the approach of making the gemspec file authoritative), I've put together a small collection of Rake tasks (clean, compile, cucumber, rdoc, ronn, test), that look to the gemspec, .gitignore, cucumber.yml for their configuration:
(Perhaps it needs a rename -- "shoe" shares form with "hoe" and "echoe", but it also sounds too much like _why's Shoes.)
Thanks, Ryan!
In case anyone might be interested, to complement the `bundle gem` approach (more generally, the approach of making the gemspec file authoritative), I've put together a small collection of Rake tasks (clean, compile, cucumber, rdoc, ronn, test), that look to the gemspec, .gitignore, cucumber.yml for their configuration:
(Perhaps it needs a rename -- "shoe" shares form with "hoe" and "echoe", but it also sounds too much like _why's Shoes.)