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Dennis Charles Hackethal's Profile

GitHub User: dchacke

Comments by Dennis Charles Hackethal


If you're looking for a non-blocking, real time Rails solution, check out Entangled: https://github.com/dchacke/entangled


To anyone who is looking for an easy Rails plus Angular setup, the gem Entangled might help. It's very easy to integrate and is basically ActiveRecord for Angular. It also syncs all changes to your database in real time across all connected clients.



Whoever watches this and prefers pushing over polling, check out https://github.com/dchacke/entangled

Entangled is a Rails gem that pushes data changes to all clients in real time. Maybe it helps someone!


I just wrote a gem to implement real time behavior in a Rails app à la Firebase: https://github.com/so-entangled/rails

I was hoping to make it a little simpler than private pub - I'd greatly appreciate your feedback!