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i am getting the following error when trying to add form for search functionality TypeError in Locations#index
Showing c:/rails/maps/app/views/locations/index.html.erb where line #4 raised:
can't convert Symbol into Integer Extracted source (around line #4):
1: All Locations 2: <%= form_tag locations_path, :method => :get do %> 3: 4: <%= text_field_tag :search, :params[:search] %> 5: <%= submit_tag "search near", :name => nil %> 6: 7: <% end %> Rails.root: c:/rails/maps
i am getting the following error when trying to add form for search functionality
TypeError in Locations#index
Showing c:/rails/maps/app/views/locations/index.html.erb where line #4 raised:
can't convert Symbol into Integer
Extracted source (around line #4):
1: All Locations
2: <%= form_tag locations_path, :method => :get do %>
4: <%= text_field_tag :search, :params[:search] %>
5: <%= submit_tag "search near", :name => nil %>
7: <% end %>
Rails.root: c:/rails/maps