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GitHub User: rvsingh
If you need to add nested-forms dynamically. You can have a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15072932/dynamically-adding-fixed-number-of-prepopulated-nested-forms-using-cocoon-and-ra/15275314#15275314
Can someone help me here. I am new with rails and trying to dynamically add fixed number of pre-populated nested forms using cocoon. Please be kind enough to read more details here.
Thanks a lot!!
Make this change in routes. And it works.
resources :styles do collection do match 'search' => 'styles#index', :via => [:get, :post], :as => :search end end
I am trying to use will_paginate with ransack.
controller @search = Style.search(params[:q]) @styles = @search.result(:distinct => true).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 5)
index <%= will_paginate @styles %>
Rest of the code is same as in this tutorial. But pagination links are not working. Really stuck with it. Please help.
If you need to add nested-forms dynamically. You can have a look at
Can someone help me here. I am new with rails and trying to dynamically add fixed number of pre-populated nested forms using cocoon. Please be kind enough to read more details here.
Thanks a lot!!
Make this change in routes. And it works.
resources :styles do
collection do
match 'search' => 'styles#index', :via => [:get, :post], :as => :search
I am trying to use will_paginate with ransack.
@search = Style.search(params[:q])
@styles = @search.result(:distinct => true).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 5)
<%= will_paginate @styles %>
Rest of the code is same as in this tutorial. But pagination links are not working. Really stuck with it. Please help.