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GitHub User: jonathanng
Site: teamjotty.com
Hi John, I'm in the same boat. Did you ever get this working?
Tire has been retired. Read the explanation here:
Looks like there is a replacement:
Would love a Railscast for this, especially since this Tire railscast is almost 2 years old.
It looks like shortly after this podcast was made, they added deploy:cleanup by default:
So need to call it explicitly anymore.
Turbolinks is like an electric car...it's so smooth, you don't even know it's working. And from a UI perspective, that can be bad.
The git page in one of it's examples has this:
document.addEventListener("page:fetch", startSpinner); document.addEventListener("page:receive", stopSpinner);
I'm not sure if I like this. It's like adding a fake engine noise that is louder than a regular engine.
I'm curious if anyone has any good solutions.
Not sure if this is the most elegant, but this works if you want permission.rb working with Carrierwave.
allow_nested_param :post, :photos_attributes, [:image]
def allow_nested_param(resources, attribute, nested_attributes) @allowed_params ||= {} Array(resources).each do |resource| @allowed_params[resource.to_s] ||= [] @allowed_params[resource.to_s] += [{ attribute.to_s => Array(nested_attributes).map(&:to_s)}] end end
References: strong parameter example for hashes with integer keys strong_parameters#nested-parameters
Hi John,
I'm in the same boat. Did you ever get this working?
Tire has been retired. Read the explanation here:
Looks like there is a replacement:
Would love a Railscast for this, especially since this Tire railscast is almost 2 years old.
It looks like shortly after this podcast was made, they added deploy:cleanup by default:
So need to call it explicitly anymore.
Turbolinks is like an electric car...it's so smooth, you don't even know it's working. And from a UI perspective, that can be bad.
The git page in one of it's examples has this:
I'm not sure if I like this. It's like adding a fake engine noise that is louder than a regular engine.
I'm curious if anyone has any good solutions.
Not sure if this is the most elegant, but this works if you want permission.rb working with Carrierwave.
strong parameter example for hashes with integer keys