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Pascal D's Profile

GitHub User: pduersteler

Site: http://www.pduersteler.ch

Comments by Pascal D


Thanks to the help of the latest comments, I got it running again. However, paperclip apparently does not reprocess the original picture anymore (see e.g. https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip/issues/1055). This will break the functionality when cropping a second time, as your image is then cropped from the real original, but you're actually cropping a cropped one.

To solve this, you could display the "original" when cropping. However, this may result in very unhandy displays.. any hints on that? Passing in the :original in the styles-params in the model will break the image.


Found the error. Seems that record.save :validate => false does this.


Strange thing. When i put a job into queue when stalker is running, it repeats the same job over and over again and only stops if the job fails. Someone else with this?