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GitHub User: TeWu

Comments by Tomek


Great stuff! I feel silly that i didn't try JRuby before.

But I have some questions:
* Is there compilation from JRuby to JVM bytecode going on over the scenes?
* And is there way to compile JRuby to Java code?


Great Tip! THX!
It is also worth noting that for this to work gem 'pry' must be in your Gemfile.


Just use
Rails.application.config.assets.paths instead of


Nice episode! Would be interesting to see more about Tilt.


This is my first two comments so I don't want to be too intrusive :), but the episode 104 looks at least as relevant as 249 and 149 :)


Isn't that should be "Episode 149: Rails Engines" instead of "Episode 249: Notifications in Rails 3" in show notes ??