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Steve Upstill's Profile

GitHub User: upstill

Site: eatinginorinoco.blogspot.com

Comments by Steve Upstill


Following your suggestion (echoed by Aaron Patterson) that thin is a suitable (ie., non-buffering) server, and since my requirement is fairly simple, I'm trying to get Live to work on the generic thin server. But no matter what I do it appears to buffer its output, so the client sees nothing from my response stream until the whole thing is done. When I switch over to puma it works fine, so the problem must lie with thin, but I can't get it to stop buffering the response to save my life. Any ideas?


I can't get the authorization delete working to save my life. In clicking the 'X' for delete, I get a 'GET' directive to authentications/ for that authentication. No confirmation popup, no delete directive.How I know where it's going: it hits the 'show' method of the controller.

The link_to documentation indicates that this will happen if javascript is not enabled, but javascript IS enabled, as are popups. Am I the only person with this problem?