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Jose Carrion's Profile

GitHub User: joselo

Site: http://www.nationcode.com

Comments by Jose Carrion


I'm wondering how can I load a SelectBox using a restful resource.

Directjobs.CategoryListView = Ember.Select.extend
  contentBinding: "Directjobs.CategoriesController"
  optionLabelPath: "content.name"
  optionValuePath: "content.id"

However it does work, I'm not sure if I have to load the content to the controller first, because I have the route in this way.

Directjobs.Router.map (match) ->
  @route 'entries', path: '/'
  @resource "categories", path: '/categories'

Directjobs.Router.map (match) ->
  @route 'entries', path: '/'
  @resource "categories", path: '/categories'

Any Ideas?


I've been using ElasticSearch it's going fine, but I'm wondering if it's possible make 'operations' I mean for example how can I get the average or plus two values etc. ?? I'm not sure if can I do this using Tire??

If does anyone knows any solution I really appreciate
