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Benjamin Roth's Profile

GitHub User: apneadiving

Site: peachyweb.com

Comments by Benjamin Roth


Check acts_as_api, really useful and modular. You'll define templates once for json and xml.


Really interesting. I sometimes used Poirot for this purpose(https://github.com/olivernn/poirot).

Just a notice: isn't "try" a perf killer? You use it in your product helper. (Well just did some benchmark, seems not to be that a problem)


Great Idea, I've just added openlayers, mapquest and bing as optionnal map providers in the gem. It's now direct to change from one to another (some functionalities may still lack but markers and infowindows are fine)


What opensource provider would you suggest? I looked at mapquest but their api hasn't changed since august '10.

Otherwise openlayers looks really bad.

If I had a good alternative to google, I'd update my gem to implement it.