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GitHub User: davidbgonzalez

Site: kdkinformationdesign.com

Comments by David Gonzalez


I have been trying to follow along with this example in a rails 3.0.8 site I'm currently working on. I successfully got the feedzirra gem installed and am able to manipulate feeds in the rails irb console. But I can't seem to get the view to render the information stored in the DB.

I'm new to rails, so may not be any fault of the instructions provide here. In fact from the console an attempt at a mock view work as expected:

for entry in FeedEntry.all
    puts entry.name

runs the db query and delivers the the list of entry names. I have run


from the console and fired up webrick but everything I've tried in the view results in the same sorry condition; nothing to see. Am I missing something about how webrick is working? How the db is called? Any insights will be appreciated.