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GitHub User: aquajach
Site: aquajach.tumblr.com
Any advantages of Mailman over Activemailer?
jquery-pjax isn't compatible with browsers not supporting pushstate, like all released IEs. A trade-off between convenience and compatibility.
Another great screencast from you, Ryan. Went through Resque's github Readme, saw the comparison between DJ and it, and got a couple of questions:
For few background jobs each costing a few hours to run, which is preferable, DJ or Resque?
Resque doesn't rely on Activerecord. It should work fine with MongoDB, right?
Any advantages of Mailman over Activemailer?
jquery-pjax isn't compatible with browsers not supporting pushstate, like all released IEs. A trade-off between convenience and compatibility.
Another great screencast from you, Ryan. Went through Resque's github Readme, saw the comparison between DJ and it, and got a couple of questions:
For few background jobs each costing a few hours to run, which is preferable, DJ or Resque?
Resque doesn't rely on Activerecord. It should work fine with MongoDB, right?