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Comments by Jean-Paul Bernadina


I figured. I have absolutely no idea what the purpose of backbone.js is; it's what I'm looking into at the moment.


Woah, backbone.js is like a completely different framework from rails.

Following this tutorial felt like going through a Python tutorial, I don't understand anything. hahah :D

I need to look up how backbone.js work or what its purpose is because I don't know anything about it.


For some reason cookies.delete[:auth_token] does not work in Rails 3.1.
I had to use cookies.delete :auth_token to get it to destroy the session.


If your users use internet explorer, the buttons and functionality doesn't even work! Is there a way to progressively enhance your usability by using pushState?


I can't get the password_validation to work properly. Whatever I enter in password_confirmation (even if it's not the same value as password), it'll save the user regardless :(


As a beginner to rails and "backend programming" in general, I really cannot see the benefit of these tests... it just seems like extra work to me that can be avoided by just using the app and entering dummy data to see if everything works.

Could someone perhaps explain to me why it is important to do tests this way instead of via the browser? Like an article on why testing is important?


Cool video but it's very hard to understand for a beginner like myself.

Anyone have a tutorial somewhere of a dumbed down version of this?


Great screencast as always Ryan!

You might want to consider writing tutorials for SmashingMagazine.com or net.tutsplus.com on How to create a rails app that does X. They pay really well when it someone who knows as much about their niche like you do :)