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Developers Hybrid Tech Inc's Profile

GitHub User: JeanOsorio

Site: http://www.hybrid-tech.net

Comments by Developers Hybrid Tech Inc


I trying to use the dynamics search scope like this

pg_search_scope :advance_search, lambda {|*args, query|
      return {:against => args,
      :query => query,
      using: { tsearch: { dictionary: "spanish"} } }

def self.searchadv(title, place, category)
    advance_search(:title => title, :place => place, :category => category)

But I'm getting wrong number of arguments (3 for 4) some help please


Hi, when I try to call the send_password_reset I get this error:

Validation failed: Password can't be blank, Password is too short (minimum is 6 characters), Password confirmation can't be blank

Does anyone can help me, please?


Hello guys,

I'm getting the following error:

LoadError in SessionsController#create

Expected /Users/jeanosorio/rails_projects/andinitos/app/models/user.rb to define User

Does anybody has an idea, what is the problem???



Hello, I have a question. If I already have my own authentication / authorization systems but I want to add the option to login with facebook, this gem could help me????