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GitHub User: williamherry
Site: http://williamherry.com
solved by install nodejs from source
I am follow this video and get this error
ExecJS::RuntimeError in Application#index Showing /home/william/dev/408-ember-part-1/raffler-after/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb where line #6 raised: node: symbol lookup error: node: undefined symbol: _ZN2v86LockerC1EPNS_7IsolateE (in /home/william/dev/408-ember-part-1/raffler-after/app/assets/javascripts/store.js.coffee) Extracted source (around line #6): 3: <head> 4: <title>Raffler</title> 5: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %> 6: <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %> 7: <%= csrf_meta_tags %> 8: </head> 9: <body>
I tried your source, still this error, I am use openSUSE12.3 and installed nodejs, any thing else I miss?
solved by install nodejs from source
I am follow this video and get this error
I tried your source, still this error, I am use openSUSE12.3 and installed nodejs, any thing else I miss?